Well-Being Assessment - 2022

The Gwynedd and Môn Public Services Board divided the whole area into 14 smaller areas and has undertaken research in order to better understand the well-being needs of both counties. Research has been undertaken on behalf of the Board on each of the 14 areas in order to understand and learn more about the well-being of those areas. In addition to the available data, we also want to know what you think about your area and your community. Partners of the Public Services Board have engaged extensively with our communities in recent months and we have taken the outcomes of those sessions into consideration along with the main messages that were conveyed about the state of well-being of our communities.

Between January and March 2022 a consultation was held on the draft assessments. The Board would like to thanl everyone who took part and we have worked on the documents using your suggestions and make sure that they reflect the well-being of Gwynedd and Anglesey areas. 

The two county wide Assessments have now been created and published and they will help the Board plan their priorities for the next 5 years.

To see the Well-being Assessments click below:


       Gwynedd                                                    Anglesey

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